Citro Privacy Policy 

Protecting your personal information is important to us.  We are committed to treating it carefully and in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 ("Privacy Act"). 

This document outlines how we collect, use, share and store your personal information ("Privacy Policy"). It applies whenever you interact with us about our products and services or area customer of ours.  

You agree to our Privacy Policy when you provide your personal information or use our products and services. If you provide information about any other person, then you must have authorisation from that person to do so. 


What is personal information?

Why do we ask for your personal information?

What types of personal information do we collect?
How do we collect your personal information?

Why do we collect your personal information?
Will you contact me about products and services?

Who do we share personal information with?

Do we send personal information to overseas recipients?

How do we protect your personal information?

What are my privacy rights?

What happens if I do not provide information that has been requested?

How can I get in touch with you about privacy concerns?

How can you contact us about privacy?

What is personal information?

When we talk about "personal information" we mean any information that could identify you or be used to establish your identity.

Why do we ask for your personal information?

Protecting your personal information is important to us and we will only collect the information necessary to enable us to provide our products and/or services to you. We understand some information is more sensitive so we will be clear about why we are collecting it, what we intend to use it for and how we will protect it. It is your choice whether you provide your personal information, but it may affect the services we can provide you. 

What types of personal information do we collect?

We may ask for a range of personal information, limited to what we need, to assist us in providing you with relevant financial products and services. Depending on the product or service, the information we request could include the information we are allowed to collect under the Privacy Act and:

  • personal information like your name, date of birth and age; 
  • contact information like your email and phone number;
  • account information like user names and login credentials; 
  • identifying information like your drivers licence or passport;
  • some biometric information; 
  • details about your interests and preferences in products and services including for notifications and communications; 
  • usage information such as your IP address, device, browser and operating system identifiers and activity;
  • publicly available information; and 
  • any information you share when you interact with us including those relating to account enquiries, concerns and claims. 

How do we collect your personal information?

We usually collect personal information directly from you.  This includes when you interact with us on the phone, online or through our hosted channels, our website or mobile applications, fill out forms for our products and services or enter competitions or promotions related to us (which could be on our or third party sites).  We may record interactions you have with us.  

We may also collect your information from other sources including:

  • anyone you have authorised us to collect from;
  • family members or parents / guardians in relation to children and young persons; 
  • other members of the AMP Group; 
  • regulatory and government agencies such as Inland Revenue; 
  • providers we work with such as insurance, financial, investment or insights providers;  
  • third party providers' including from their websites and channels where you click on AMP information or advertising; 
  • marketing and insights providers;
  • publicly available sources and public registers;  
  • your employer (for Kiwisaver or superannuation purposes); and 
  • Third parties such as social media platforms
  • as otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act. 

We may use website tools and analytics technologies, software and cookies to help us collect your information.  We may also obtain your information through the interactive tools available on our website and mobile device applications.  Other ways we collect or use your information are through select AI initiatives. 

You can opt out of receiving direct marketing information from us at any time by emailing us at

Why do we collect your personal information?

There are a number of reasons why we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information.  These include:

  • interacting with you;
  • establishing, managing and administering the products and services provided by us or our partners     including verifying your identity, facilitating the provision of products and services, account management, customer service and managing account concerns;
  • developing, improving and enhancing our products, services and offerings;
  • personalising our products, services and other offerings for you including understanding your financial needs and assessing that against products and services that may be of use to you, tailoring our communications to you and undertaking personalised advertising; 
  • marketing products, services or offerings that we think are of relevance to you and  understanding more about you (including combining information we have to build a better picture of your interests and preferences) and to  personalise the targeted content we provide to you on our and third party     platforms; 
  • gathering your insights on our products and services including through surveys, market research and other analysis;
  • identifying, managing  and responding to health, safety and security concerns including threats to health and safety, fraud and other suspected criminal or illegal activity;
  • for our business operational purposes including record keeping, data analytics, auditing, training and facilitating the transfer or disposal of our business and assets; 
  • complying with legal and regulatory obligations, such as sharing with law enforcement and government agencies where we are legally required to or reasonably consider that personal information should be disclosed; and 
  • for any other reason you authorise us to use your information for or where such use is allowed by the Privacy Act. 

Will you contact me about products and services?

We use and disclose your personal information to keep you informed about the range of financial products and services we offer, things we think are of interest to you and for insights purposes. We may contact you via the contact methods you have shared with us including, but not limited to email and SMS.

You acknowledge and agree that we may use and share your personal information to keep you informed about financial products and services, other offerings that it considers are of interest to you and for insight research purposes.  You consent to receiving electronic messages from our trusted partners via the contact methods you have shared with us, including but not limited to email and SMS.  

You can opt out of receiving direct marketing information from us at any time by emailing us at

Who do we share personal information with?

From time to time we may share your personal information with other entities both outside of Citro for purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. The entities that we might share your personal information with vary according to the product or service involved, but could include:

  • other areas and organisations within the AMP group for reasonable business purposes;
  • financial advisers, brokers and other parties authorised or accredited by AMP;
  • other individuals who are permitted to receive information about your products and services (for example, other insurance policy holders); 
  • service providers and specialist advisers we engage to provide us with services such as administrative, audit, financial, insurance or research services, some of whom may contact you on our behalf;
  • insurers, including reinsurance companies, and credit providers;
  • courts, tribunals and other dispute resolution bodies in the course of a dispute;
  • credit reporting or reference agencies;
  • employers contributing to or otherwise participating in superannuation or insurance plans and schemes that are offered;
  • policy committees in our superannuation plans;
  • anyone authorised by you (including but not limited to other financial services providers that we may need to deal with on your behalf); 
  • anyone to whom we, or our service providers, are required or authorised by law to disclose your personal information too (for example, law enforcement agencies or the Inland Revenue); and 
  • anyone you authorise us to share with or as permitted by the Privacy Act. 

Do we send personal information to overseas recipients?

Some of the entities that we share information with may be located in, or have operations in, other countries.This means that your information might end up stored or accessed in overseas countries, including Bahrain, China, countries within the European Union, HongKong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Philippines, Fiji, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States of America and Australia.

When we send your personal information to overseas recipients, we make sure appropriate data handling and security arrangements are in place.

How do we protect your personal information?

We protect all personal information with reasonable security safeguards that are in line with industry practice. This includes taking reasonable steps to encrypt all personal information while it is in transit or being stored by us.  We regularly update our technology to provide protection for your personal and financial information.

In the unlikely event of a data breach we have measures in place to manage and respond to data breaches, which includes the notification to impacted individuals and data protection authorities globally, where required.

What are my privacy rights?

You are able to request access to your personal information from us, or ask that we correct it.  Please use the contact details set out below if you would like to make a request of this sort. 

We may also ask you to update your personal information from time to time to ensure it remains up to date. 

To request or correct information about yourself, please contact us via the contact channels listed at the end of this Privacy Policy. 

What happens if I do not provide information that has been requested?

It's your choice whether to provide your personal information. However, if you don't, we might be unable to fulfil your request for a specific product or service or be unable to identify you to protect you against fraud. Where you are seeking financial advice, it may also affect our ability to properly analyse your personal circumstances. 

How can I get in touch with you about privacy concerns?

If you ever have an issue or complaint in relation to privacy, please contact us via the contact channels listed at the end of this Privacy Policy.

We take privacy related complaints very seriously and consider all complaints carefully as part of our commitment to being open, honest and fair in dealing with your concerns. 

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner ( provides further details of the New Zealand Privacy Act and how it protects personal information in New Zealand.

How can you contact us about privacy?

You can call us on  send an email to orwrite to us at, Citrus Innovations Pty Ltd,Attn Managing Director, AonCentre Level 19/29 Customs Street West, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, NewZealand to:

  • seek more information about anything contained in this policy, or to request a printed copy of this policy
  • update or correct your personal information
  • opt out of receiving direct marketing material
  • ask about accessing or correcting the personal information we hold about you; or
  • make a privacy related complaint.

About this policy

This policy is effective as of 12/08/2024. We will update this policy when our information handling practices change, and any amendments will applyto the information we hold at the time of the update. We will post the updated policy on our website or let you know directly if we consider that we need to.

Sometimes, our products and services may have specific privacy terms. In the event of inconsistency, the specific product or services terms take precedence